Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ebook Download The Quest for Cosmic Justice

Ebook Download The Quest for Cosmic Justice

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The Quest for Cosmic Justice

The Quest for Cosmic Justice

The Quest for Cosmic Justice

Ebook Download The Quest for Cosmic Justice

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The Quest for Cosmic Justice

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 5 hours and 51 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Blackstone Audio, Inc. Release Date: September 5, 2017

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Absolutely loved it. Great writer discussing great ideas. Outstanding food for thought in these days of excessive polarization in U.S. society. Those who agree with him will take reassurance that what they feel and suspect about social contract is reinforced and clearly expressed by a great thinker. Those who disagree with him will, I suspect, simply discount his points of view as narrow minded, unprogressive, and passé.

Although this book was written in 1999, it is as fresh today as it was when it was first published. The political wars have not changed and the descriptions/arguments made here are timeless. A great summary of the philosophies of the left and the right. These essays would be a great introduction for young people seeking to understand in a deeper way the the basis for the organization of government and why the U.S. Constitution is unique in the world. I would also highly recommend The Thomas Sowell Reader as a book accessible to people just getting involved in politics.

The only negative thing one could say about this book is that it doesn't also focus on the issues of when our markets or policies are allowed to run wild without the intervention of basic human ethics (as opposed to government enforced moralizing or special interests) and we are made to suffer the unnecessary pains of a strictly avaricious, rather than a truly prosperity driven, economy. However, the concise focus and pure distillation of Sowell's writing is part of what makes this book so great.What stood out to me most was how precisely Sowell identifies the problems and the fundamental errors in judgement that allow people to live out an endless quest for cosmic justice that not only fails overwhelmingly often, but isn't concerned with prosperity, equality, freedom, happiness, or any other commonly professed goal--the quest for cosmic justice is solely concerned with the endless self-perpetuation of the quest itself and the drug-like passions and illusions it creates in intellectuals and law makers. The quest gives people with no skin in the game a sense of moral superiority without any requirement that they actually solve any problems or help those they intended to help. There is a rhetoric of empathy and compassion that breeds arrogance and authoritarianism. Sowell shows how all of this isn't just a factual failure to achieve stated goals, but a pernicious cancer that is eating away at the most fundamental principles of American society and the rule of law all in the name of disastrous utopian rhetoric which not only fails to produce results, but cripples or prevents our best efforts to make genuine progress.

Good book just not one of Sowell's best. However good for Sowell is still 4 stars on Amazon. Rather than read this book though I would read "The Vision of the Anointed" also by Sowell. It is organized better with more specific examples that we walks you through. This book is more of a long speech. I think Sowell got more emotional writting this book.Both books have similar themes - how some of the elites in America have lofting goals that come along with possibly bad results. If you like Sowell you will probably like Nassim Taleb as well.

This book exposes the fallacy of social justice. The computation of all the advantages and disadvantages of any individual is beyond impossible much less trying to do this for any given group. Even more impossible and arrogant is the notion that the governing elite can make policy to truly level the playing field in order to guarantee equal outcomes and not inflict enormous unintended cost on society. Individual choices or even local cultural values related to work ethic or pursuance of education are not the fault or responsibility of the federal government. To reward poor values with economic rewards is to enable and perpetuate these poor values. To take financial rewards from those who made better choices and worked hard and listened in class just to give it to someone who did not do these things is theft. It is not just nor is it compassionate to future generations to keep handing out fish but never teaching them how to catch fish on their own.

I read this book in one sitting. This book is a breath of fresh air, especially in today's society where a lot of Americans strongly believe in politicians "social justice visions" that sound really great on the surface, but are actually terrible ideas when you thoroughly disect and break the ideas down. Evidence and facts should be the most important thing in decision making, not what "feels like the most moral thing to do". Sowells way of evidence based thinking, and thorough examination of the data while looking at all the options available is the most logical way to tackle the world's biggest problems.One of my favorite quotes from the book is a metaphor describing dumb politicians and their "social justice vision" for the economy"He asks not whether it is gasoline or water he tosses on the economic fire---he only asks if it was a well-intended act"

This is a wide range and detailed study and analysis of the fallacies of supplanting rights of individuals as prescribed in our Constitution with the perceived visions of Justice due to groups by powerful elites in government , whether through the courts , bureaucracies, or media advocacy. This is a tightly argued exposition of the difference between traditional justice under rules of law vs. the 'social' or... as he terms it... 'cosmic' justice or vision of those who seek to change the rules to benefit groups they deem to have greater rights than others in current society. This has led to erosion of rule of law guaranteed in American Constitution gradually and has deprived even those who these elite visionaries intended to benefit. Wide ranging examples from our own history and world history illustrate his conclusions. A tour de force....

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